Senin, 06 Desember 2010


Dx : Pneumothorax D posttrauma
Tx : Thorax drain

TBC Milier + Pneumothorax D

Dx : TBC Milier + pneumothorax D
Tx : Thorax drain + Tx TBC

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Common Bile Duct Stone

MRCP : Stone in Common Bile Duct.
Tx : Cholecystectomi dan eksplorasi duktus

Ca Rectum

Colon in loop : Ca. Rectum

Ro Cervical Lateral

Ro Cervical Lateral Normal

Epidural Hematom

CT Scan Kepala : Epidural Hematom D

Tx : Trepanasi

Kamis, 29 April 2010

Pleural effusion

Pleural effusion is excess fluid that accumulates in the pleural cavity, the fluid-filled space that surrounds the lungs. Excessive amounts of such fluid can impair breathing by limiting the expansion of the lungs during inhalation. Etiology of this case : Metastase from breast cancer

Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Fluidotoraks kiri

Fluidotoraks kiri, proses metastase Ca. Payudara

Terapi : drainase toraks


Struma uninodosa kiri
FNAB : Coloid nodul
Terapi : Operasi

Abces R. Frontal

Abces di regio frontal

Terapi : Insisi, drainase

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010


Appendicogram (+) berarti kontras bisa masuk lumen appendix normal

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010


Mammografi : tampak lesi hiperdens berbatas tak tegas daerah subareola mamma kanan curiga ganas

Practical skill session animal lab.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Volvulus Sigmoid

BOF : tampak sigmoid sangat distensi mengisi hampir seluruh abdomen seperti coffee bean sign